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Dialogue on Plastic Pollution and Environmentally Sustainable Plastics Trade - Pre-plenary meeting in hybrid mode (Room S1 and Zoom) on Thursday 13 February 2025, from 10 a.m. - Convening notice - Revision

Dialogue on Plastic Pollution and Environmentally
Sustainable Plastics Trade (DPP)


The following revised convening notice, dated 10 February 2024, is being circulated at the request of the Dialogue Coordinators (Australia, Barbados, China, Ecuador, Fiji and Morocco).





1._       The DPP will hold its next pre‑plenary meeting in hybrid mode (Room S1 and Zoom) on Thursday 13 February 2025, from 10 a.m. Geneva time. If required, the meeting will reconvene in the afternoon. All WTO Members and invited DPP stakeholders are welcome to attend the meeting. Please see technical arrangements in Annex I.

2._       Draft agenda


1)_   Introductory remarks by coordinators


2)_   Point of focus #1 ‑ How to support the United Nations Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution process and its implementation


a._    Update by the INC Secretariat on the results of the INC Fifth Session (INC‑5)

b._    Update by WTO Secretariat on its participation at INC‑5

c._     Interventions and questions from delegations


3)_   Point of focus #8 ‑ Identify opportunities for enhanced trade cooperation on non‑plastic substitutes and alternatives, starting with standards (e.g. by identifying gaps in international standards applicable to substitutes and/or alternatives)


a._    Presentation by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) on mapping potential gaps in international standards applicable to non‑plastic substitutes and alternatives to single‑use plastics and packaging.

b._    Presentations by private sector representatives on challenges with certifying non‑plastic substitutes and alternatives in single‑use goods and packaging.

_                                       i._    Ecoware (India)

_                                      ii._    Greenhope (Indonesia)

_                                     iii._    INBAR (including on the recently adopted ISO 16830:2025 Specification of Bamboo Drinking Straws)

c._     Open discussion on the following guiding questions:

·_    Please provide domestic examples of how international standards have been successfully applied for non‑plastic substitutes and alternatives to single‑use plastics and packaging (including to facilitate their trade)? Can you list them? What key attributes, such as re‑usability, biodegradability, recyclability, compostability, material safety, efficiency, effectiveness and environmental impact (life cycle assessments) are important for those standards?


·_    What are the main trade‑related challenges with regards to international standards in the promotion of non‑plastic substitutes and alternatives to single‑use plastics and packaging? What are the particular challenges faced by developing members and LDCs? How can the private sector better transition to non‑plastic substitutes and alternatives?


·_    How can the WTO support identifying potential gaps and leveraging international standards to promote cooperation and transparency to non‑plastic substitutes and alternatives to single‑use plastics and packaging?


4)_   Point of focus #6 ‑ Identify opportunities for greater harmonization, alignment or interoperability of TrPMs, starting by focusing on single‑use plastics


a._    Presentation by the WTO Secretariat to recall technical discussions held at the DPP, as well as information available in the DPP Survey on Trade‑related Plastic Measures (TrPMs), regarding differences in how TrPMs are targeting single‑use plastics (SUPs) and goods.

b._    Presentation by invited delegations on trade‑related challenges in the implementation of restrictions on SUPs and goods.

_                                       i._    Kenya

c._     Open discussion on the following guiding questions:

·_    What are the main challenges in implementing TrPMs targeting single‑use plastics (SUPs) and goods?


·_    What trade‑related outcome by the DPP at MC14 would be helpful to facilitate implementation and avoid illegal trade? Would voluntary guidelines and mechanism to increase the alignment of trade‑related requirements applicable to SUP bags and/or other often targeted single‑use goods (e.g. tableware, food containers, plastic straws, cups, bottles) be useful?


5)_   Any other business or interventions by delegations and stakeholders


6)_   Concluding remarks by coordinators






Annex I – Technical Arrangements

Please note that the pre‑plenary meeting will be held in hybrid mode (Room S1 and via Zoom).


1  Remote participation

1.1  For Zoom meetings:

Delegates and invited stakeholders wishing to participate virtually to the pre‑plenary meeting via the Zoom platform, including capital‑based officials, must register using this link:

Register to the Zoom Meeting:



After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. If prompted for the following information when accessing the meeting, please enter:


Meeting ID:  896 8102 7781

Passcode: 102143


1.2  Before the meeting:

We are available 1/2 hour before the meeting to test your connection with you.


On behalf of the interpreters please follow these recommendations:


ØUse a wired internet connection (or very stable WiFi).

ØUse a computer/laptop, not a phone or tablet.

ØWhen participating remotely, at first choice, use an external USB tabletop microphone or a lapel microphone or second choice a USB Headset.

ØAvoid using your computer's built‑in microphone or cell‑phone earbuds.

ØAlways turn on your camera before speaking.

ØTurn off all notifications.


This will ensure that everyone can hear and understand your message fully.


1.3  During the meeting:

·_        If technical difficulties result in delegates being unable to intervene virtually under a given agenda item, the opportunity to take the floor will be given at an appropriate juncture before the meeting ends. Should the technical problem persist, delegates may contact the meeting coordinators (dpp@wto.org) during the course of the meeting, to either send their statement for it to be read out during the meeting, or to request that other attendees are to be informed about their interest to intervene under the item discussed and the subsequent circulation of their written statement.


2  Attendance in the meeting room

Invited stakeholders with no WTO accreditation who wish to attend the meeting in person are requested to send a message to dpp@wto.org.


The use of face masks is still recommended in common areas and meeting rooms, in safeguarding health for all.


3  Statements

To facilitate interpretation, delegations are strongly encouraged to send their written statements to the Secretariat (dpp@wto.org) before the meeting starts. Statements will also be gratefully received during the meeting (dpp@wto.org).
