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Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform (FFSR) - Convening notice - Meeting on 17 July 2024, from 15.00


Convening Notice

The following convening notice, dated 10 July, is being circulated at the request of the delegation of New Zealand (as co-ordinator of the Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform Initiative).





The Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform (FFSR) Initiative will hold its sixth meeting, in hybrid mode in Room D and via Zoom on 17 July, from 15.00 Geneva time. All WTO Members are invited to attend the meeting. Please see technical arrangements in Annex I.



1._        Introductory Remarks by the Chair

2._        Update Reports

3._        Next Steps on Concrete Options (WTO Doc _WT/MIN(24)/19, Annex I)

(a)Pillar One: Enhanced Transparency

(i)_   Updates on action steps in relation to use of WTO Trade Policy Reviews and topics for the Committee on Trade and Environment "Thematic Sessions".

(ii)Input from broader stakeholders, including interested economic actors.

(b)Pillar Two: Crisis Support Measures

(i)_   Presentation by Uruguay on its renewable energy transition and what this has meant for resilience during the recent energy crisis – key lessons learned about the transition process.

(ii)Other Members' experience.

(c)Pillar Three: Addressing Most Harmful Fossil Fuel Subsidies

Action Steps:

(i) and (ii) Examine characteristics of different categories of fossil fuel subsidies and their effects; as well as build understanding on pathways to reform.

First area of focus: examination of support to fossil fuel production

a._    Presentation on overview of current trends in fossil fuel investment.

b._    Review of initiatives and strategies being developed in the transition away from fossil fuels.

c._     Presentation of Secretariat background note examining trends and impacts of subsidies supporting the production of fossil fuels, including at the different stages of the value chain.

(iii) Further detail on planned informal dialogue, being organized for September, to enable deeper engagement on pillar three issues.

4.      Interventions by other stakeholders

5.      Conclusion

Summary of discussions.



Annex I

Technical Arrangements

Please note that this meeting will be held in hybrid mode (Room D and via Zoom).



Delegates wishing to participate virtually via the Zoom platform, including capital-based officials, must register in advance of the meeting through this link:




After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


Before the meeting:


·_        We are available 30 minutes before the meeting to test your connection with you.

During the meeting:


·_        If technical difficulties result in delegations being unable to intervene virtually under a given agenda item, the opportunity to take the floor will be given at an appropriate juncture before the meeting closes. Should the technical problem persist, delegations may contact the meeting coordinators (ffsr@wto.org) during the course of the meeting, either to send their statement for it to be read out during the meeting, or to request that the attendees be informed of their interest in the item under consideration and their intention to circulate their written statement after the meeting.


To facilitate interpretation, delegations are strongly encouraged to send their written statements to the Secretariat (ffsr@wto.org) before the meeting starts. Statements will also be gratefully received during the meeting (ffsr@wto.org).

