Ministerial Conference - Seventh Session - Geneva, 30 November - 2 December 2009 - Kyrgyz Republic - Statement by Mr Muktar Jumaliev - Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the WTO
- Kyrgyz Republic - Permanent Representative to the WTO
- 2010/02/25
- 已被閱讀 1112次
World Trade
Organization WT/MIN(09)/ST/70
2 December 2009 (096139) MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE
Seventh Session
Geneva, 30 November - 2 December 2009 Original: English
Statement by Mr Muktar Jumaliev
Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the WTO
First of all, allow me to express on behalf of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic its respect and gratitude to the WTO Secretariat, the WTO DirectorGeneral and certainly all the delegations that contributed to the progress of preparations and holding of the Seventh Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization.
The Kyrgyz Republic attaches great importance to the tireless, productive and cohesive work done by Mr Lamy, the WTO DirectorGeneral, as well as all WTO Members' inputs, to maximize WTO's role in stabilizing and improving the rules and norms of international trade amid the current financial crisis.
I would like to express our gratitude to the Chairman of the Gener