Council for Trade in Services - Special Session - Chile - Conditional Revised Offer
- Chile
- 2005/10/13
- 已被閱讀 1012次
World Trade
Organization TN/S/O/CHL/Rev.1
5 July 2005 (05-2927) Council for Trade in Services
Special Session Original: Spanish
Conditional Revised Offer
The following revised offer was received from the delegation of Chile on 29 June 2005 with the request that it be circulated to Members of the Council for Trade in Services.
1. Pursuant to paragraph 1(e) of the General Council Decision on the Doha Work Programme (WT/GC/W/535) concerning Members’ commitment to submit a conditional revised offer for the negotiations provided for in Article XIX of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), Chile hereby submits its conditional revised offer of specific commitments in services.
2. By means of this offer, Chile reiterates its WTO commitment to achieving a progressively higher level of liberalization and delivering effective access to its services markets.
3. Given that Chile's offer takes the concepts set fort