Ministerial Conference - Sixth Session - Hong Kong, 13 - 18 December 2005 - Spain - Statement by HE Mr Jose Montilla Aguilera - Minister of Industry, Tourism and Commerce
- WTO Secretariat
- 2006/01/16
- 已被閱讀 1136次
World Trade
Organization WT/MIN(05)/ST/44
15 December 2005 (05-6022) MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE
Sixth Session
Hong Kong, 13 - 18 December 2005 Original: Spanish
Statement by HE Mr Jose Montilla Aguilera
Minister of Industry, Tourism and Commerce
It has been four years since the Doha Development Agenda was launched and we have an important responsibility to meet the expectations of society, on the basis of an established timetable, by giving a decisive boost to the issues that will make up the final agreement.
The world economy and, in particular, the developing world needs to give effect to the opportunities that greater liberalization of the trade in goods and services can offer us.
Spain is already aware, on the basis of its own experience, of the benefits that can flow from the opening up of the economy to the outside world.
The recent economic and social success of many developing countries has been based specifically on such opening up t