Ministerial Conference - Sixth Session - Hong Kong, 13 - 18 December 2005 - Iceland -Statement by HE Mr Geir Haarde - Minister for Foreign Affairs
- Iceland
- 2005/12/27
- 已被閱讀 1233次
World Trade
Organization WT/MIN(05)/ST/88
16 December 2005 (05-6087) MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE
Sixth Session
Hong Kong, 13 - 18 December 2005 Original: English
Statement by HE Mr Geir Haarde
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Trade is a cornerstone of development. We are all aware of recent projections by the World Bank and the significant development gains a successful conclusion to our work could bring about. Millions of people could be lifted out of poverty. My own country has witnessed first hand the
positive economic effects of trade. In the course
of a few decades, the Icelandic population has come from poverty to enjoy one of the highest living standards in the world. Trade liberalization has been crucial in this development. We not only believe,
we know
that trade works.
We therefore welcome the new Members acceding at this time, and we support the timely accession of Russia and Ukraine to the Organization. They are large contr