1. This report summarises the work of
the Committee on Rules of Origin (CRO) throughout 2021. Article 6.1 of the
Agreement on Rules of Origin provides that
"The Committee shall review annually the
implementation and operation of Parts II and III of this Agreement having
regard to its objectives" and "inform the Council for Trade in Goods of developments during the period
covered by such reviews."
The CRO held two formal meetings in 2021: on 20 May and on 14 October. The
minutes of these meetings are contained in documents G/RO/M/76 and G/RO/M/77[1]
respectively. Mr. Sulaiman SATARI
(Afghanistan) was elected Chairperson of the CRO in July 2021 and Mrs Laura GAUER
(Switzerland) was elected vice-Chairperson in September 2021. The work of the
Committee continued to be structured around two broad issues: (1)
non-preferential rules of origin; and (2) preferential rules of origin for
3. On non-preferential rules of origin,
the Committee did not hold specific discussions related to the Harmonization
Work Programme (HWP), launched in 1995 in accordance with Article 9.2(a) of the
Agreement on Rules of Origin. Members have expressed diverse visions regarding
the implications that harmonized rules of origin could have for other trade
policy instruments ("core policy issues"). Therefore, the
negotiations have not seen much development since 2007.
Instead, Members
have been focusing on improving their understanding and knowledge about national
practices related to non-preferential
rules of origin. In this regard, a proposal to "enhance transparency
on non-preferential rules of origin" (G/RO/W/182/Rev.4) has been on the
Committee's agenda for almost three years. In 2021, consultations were held
between proponents of the draft decision and certain members. Despite progress,
additional consultations need to be held on the proposal.
5. With respect to preferential rules
of origin, the Committee continued its practice of reviewing the implementation
of the Bali and the Nairobi Ministerial Decisions on preferential rules of
origin for least developed countries (LDCs) (WT/L/917 and WT/L/917/Add.1).
6. In this context, preference-granting
members presented the latest developments regarding their preferential rules of
origin for LDCs. The representative of the United Kingdom recalled the
successful launch of the General System of Preferences
(GSP) and underlined the importance of further simplification of rules of
origin. In this regard, members, specially LDC partners, were invited to share
insights on how to make such improvements. The representative of the European
Union gave updates on the implementation of the REX system.
The WTO secretariat presented note (G/RO/W/204) on "Utilization of Trade Preferences by Least Developed Countries:
2015-2019 Patterns and Trends".
8. Members heard a presentation by the
UNCTAD regarding a new website and database on the
utilization of GSP schemes (
9. Finally, on
19 May, members participated in a webinar on "What Drives the Utilization of Trade Preferences"
organized by the
Secretariat. The webinar was an opportunity to review the research conducted so
far by the Secretariat on the utilization of trade preferences by LDCs. In
addition, it was also an opportunity to learn more about research being
conducted by other institutions on the linkages between rules of origin and the
utilization of trade preferences. Finally, the workshop also offered Members an
opportunity to learn from each other's experiences in monitoring the
utilization of trade preferences and working with the private sector to train
operators on origin requirements and promote a fuller utilization of trade
preferences. The programme, presentations and video recording of an event can
be accessed through the rules of origin page of the WTO website.