Negotiating Group on Rules - Summary Report of the Meeting Held on 30 may and 3 June 2005 - Note by the Secretariat

World Trade Organization RESTRICTED TN/RL/M/28 4 July 2005 (05-2886) Negotiating Group on Rules SUMMARY REPORT OF THE MEETING HELD ON 30 MAY AND 3 JUNE 2005 Note by the Secretariat The Negotiating Group on Rules ("the Group") held a formal meeting on 30 May and 3 June 2005. adoption of the agenda The Group adopted the following agenda: A. adoption of the agenda 1 B. anti-dumping ("AD") 1 C. subsidies and countervailing measures ("scm"), including fisheries subsidies 2 D. other business 2 - Date of the Group's next meeting - Statement regarding the future of the negotiations anti-dumping ("AD") The Group discussed a paper entitled "Issues Related to Article 6.10, including "Limited Examination", and Article 9.4 "All Others' Rate" (TN/RL/W/181) and sponsored by 10 Participants. The paper sought to clarify and improve key parameters pertaining to Articles 6 and 9 of the AD Agreement ("ADA"). On Article 6.10, the main focus was the