Negotiating Group on Rules - Summary Report of the Meeting Held on 11, 13 and 15 April 2005 - Note by the Secretariat

World Trade Organization RESTRICTED TN/RL/M/26 11 May 2005 (05-1927) Negotiating Group on Rules SUMMARY REPORT OF THE MEETING HELD ON 11, 13 & 15 APRIL 2005 Note by the Secretariat The Negotiating Group on Rules ("the Group") held a formal meeting on 11, 13 and 15 April 2005. adoption of the agenda The Group adopted the following agenda: A. adoption of the agenda 1 B. anti-dumping ("AD") 1 C. subsidies and countervailing measures("SCM"), including fisheries subsidies 2 D. other business........................................................................................................... 5 - Date of the Group's next meeting anti-dumping ("AD") The Group first discussed a paper entitled "Proposal on Material Retardation" (TN/RL/W/175). The sponsor explained that, as the AD Agreement ("ADA") neither defined material retardation, nor gave any indication of how its existence should be established, it was necessary to clarify the concept, taking in