Negotiating Group on Rules - Summary Report of the Meeting Held on 7 and 8 June 2004 - Note by the Secretariat

World Trade Organization RESTRICTED TN/RL/M/17 31 August 2004 (04-3608) Negotiating Group on Rules SUMMARY REPORT OF THE MEETING HELD ON 7 & 8 JUNE 2004 Note by the Secretariat The Negotiating Group on Rules ("the Group") held a formal meeting on 7 & 8 June 2004. adoption of the agenda The Group adopted the following agenda: A. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA B. ANTI-DUMPING C. SUBSIDIES AND COUNTERVAILING MEASURES, INCLUDING FISHERIES SUBSIDIES D. OTHER BUSINESS - Statement by one Participant relating to the joint statement issued by African Trade, Customs and Immigration Ministers- African Union Ministerial Conference in Kigali, Rwanda on 27-28 May 2004. - Date of the next meeting of the Group. anti-dumping The Group discussed one new submission, entitled "Proposals on Fair Comparison" (TN/RL/W/158) and sponsored by 10 Participants. A co-sponsor explained that the ADA needed to be clarified and improved because it allowed authorities to make u