Negotiating Group on Rules - Summary Report of the Meeting Held on 18 - 19 June 2003 - Note by the Secretariat

World Trade Organization RESTRICTED TN/RL/M/10 17 July 2003 (03-3875) Negotiating Group on Rules SUMMARY REPORT OF THE MEETING HELD ON 18-19 JUNE 2003 Note by the Secretariat The Negotiating Group on Rules ("the Group") held a formal meeting on 18-19 June 2003. A. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The Group adopted the following agenda: A. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA B. ANTI-DUMPING C. SUBSIDIES AND COUNTERVAILING MEASURES, INCLUDING FISHERIES SUBSIDIES D. SPECIAL AND DIFFERENTIAL TREATMENT PROPOSALS REFERRED TO THE GROUP BY THE CHAIRMAN OF THE GENERAL COUNCIL E. OTHER BUSINESS Report to the TNC Date of the next informal and formal meetings of the Group. B. anti-dumping The first paper introduced was entitled "Identification of Issues under the Anti-Dumping Agreement that Need to be Improved and Clarified within the Current Negotiations on WTO Rules" (TN/RL/W/110). The sponsor highlighted certain provisions identified in its submission that in its v