Rectifications and Modifications of Uruguay Round Schedules - Schedule XCVIII - Bahrain
- Bahrain
- 2005/11/07
- 已被閱讀 1092次
World Trade
Organization RESTRICTED G/MA/TAR/RS/96
10 March 2004 (04-1007) Committee on Market Access Original: English
rectifications and modifications of
uruguay round schedules
Schedule XCVIII – Bahrain
The following communication, dated 20 February 2004, is being circulated at the request of the Delegation of Bahrain.
Referring to Bahrain's recent participation in the ITA, I hereby request the circulation of our schedule of commitments according to the procedures for the formal rectification and modification of schedules (Decision of 26 March 1980 on Procedures for Modification and Rectification of Schedules of Tariff Concessions, BISD 27S/25) pursuant to paragraph 2 of the Annex to the Ministerial Declaration.
If no objection is notified to the Secretariat within three months from the date of this document, the rectifications and modifications of Schedule XCVIII – Bahrain will be deemed to be approved