1996 Changes in the Harmonized System - Schedule XIII - New Zealand - Submission of Documentation - Revision
- New Zealand
- 2006/08/14
- 已被閱讀 281次
World Trade
Organization No. ____________________ G/SECRET/HS96/20/Rev.1
15 March 2002 (02-1351) Original: English
Schedule XIII - New Zealand
Submission of Documentation
The following communication, dated 18 February 2002, has been received from the Permanent Mission of New Zealand.
New Zealand is pleased to advise that we have concluded consultations with all of the countries that lodged reservations on New Zealand’s Schedule XIII HS 96 transpositions. A rectified Schedule XIII has been provided to you electronically along with concordance tables. We would be grateful if this letter could be circulated to WTO Members along with the rectified Schedule XIII.
We set out below the specific changes made to our Schedule as a result of those consultations.
The US’s specific reservation was as follows:
HS 7005.10.90
Non-wired glass, having an absorbent, reflecting or non-reflec