2002 Changes in the Harmonized System - Submission of Documentation - Schedule CXLVII - Croatia

World Trade Organization No. __________________ G/SECRET/HS02/HRV/1 4 June 2002 (02-3083) Original: English 2002 changes in the harmonized system Submission of Documentation Schedule CXLVII - Croatia The following communication, dated 30 April 2002, has been received from the Permanent Mission of Croatia. _______________ With reference to the draft Decision on Introduction of Harmonized System 2002 Changes into WTO Schedules of Tariff Concessions, I would like to inform you that the documentation required under paragraph 1 of the Procedures in Attachment B (read along with section 2 of Attachment A) adopted by the General Council to implement HS 2002 changes to Schedules of Concessions (WT/L/407) will be forwarded to the WTO Secretariat today in electronic form by my competent authorities. _______________ Copies of the above-mentioned documentation are available in electronic form on the WTO Members Homepage (http://members.wto.org/, go to W