Tariff Information Available in the Secretariat - Revision
- WTO Secretariat
- 2004/11/01
- 已被閱讀 1030次
World Trade
Organization G/MA/TAR/3/Rev.5
16 March 2000 (00-1062)
tariff information available in the secretariat
This document contains a revised and up-dated list of tariffs and their latest modifications available in the Secretariat as of 8 March 2000. The information, as noted here, is drawn from three sources: national editions of the customs tariffs, the publications of the International Customs Bureau in Brussels and the Bundesstelle für Aussenhandelsinformation-BFAI (Germany).
Country National Tariff1 Brussels Bureau BFAI2 Angola (COMESA) 4 1991 - - Antigua and Barbuda (CARICOM) (1998) 1995 - Argentina (MERCOSUR)6 1998 1998 - Australia 1999 - - Austria
(European Union) 2000 19983 - Bahrain 7 1997 - - Bangladesh 1996 - - Barbados (CARICOM) (1998) 1995 - Belgium
(European Union) 2000 19983 - Belize (CARICOM) (1998) 1995 - Benin
(West African
Economic Community) 1992 - - Bolivia (ACM) (1994) - - Botswana (SA