Harmonized System - Article XXVIII Negotiations - Submission of Documentation - Schedule XXIII - Dominican Republic

World Trade Organization No. G/SECRET/HS/10 23 March 1999 (99-1157) Original: Spanish harmonized system – article XXVIII negotiations Submission of Documentation Schedule XXIII - Dominican Republic The following communication, dated 5 March 1999, has been received from the Permanent Mission of the Dominican Republic. _______________ In accordance with the procedures for negotiations under Article XXVIII and the Decision of the Council of 12 July 1983 (BISD 30S/17), I submit the annexed documents for the purpose of carrying out the transposition of the concessions negotiated by the Government of the Dominican Republic to the 1996 Harmonized System Nomenclature. The documentation consists of the following sections: Annex I: Existing Schedule Annex II: Proposed Schedule XXIII Annex III: Concordance table between the Proposed Schedule and the Existing Schedule Annex IV: Concordance table between the Existing Schedule and the