Article XXVIII.5 Negotiations - Schedule V - Canada - Addendum
- Canada
- 2006/08/15
- 已被閱讀 748次
World Trade
Organization N0.________________ G/SECRET/10/Add.1
15 December 1998 (98-5055) Original: English
article xxviii:5 negotiations
Schedule V – Canada
The following communication, dated 10 December 1998, has been received from the Permanent Mission of Canada.
Further to Canada's notification of modifications to its Schedule V – Canada circulated in document G/SECRET/10 of 8 June 1998, my authorities have instructed me to submit the attached addendum to that notification with the request that it be circulated to Members.
Copies of the documentation are available in electronic form (Microsoft Word). It is also available in paper form from the Market Access Division (Ms. Wood, Office 3142, Tel: 739 50 79).
Schedule V - CANADA
In accordance with the provisions and procedures of Article XXVIII of GATT 1994, pursuant to Canada's communication G/MA/5