Article XXVIII:5 Negotiations - Schedule VII - Chile - Corrigendum

World Trade Organization No. _________________ G/SECRET/12/Corr.2 21 December 2000 (00-5604) Original: Spanish article xxviii:5 negotiations Schedule VII – Chile Corrigendum The following communication, dated 20 December 2000, has been received from the Permanent Mission of Chile. _______________ With regard to Chile's notification of its intention to modify the tariff concessions in headings 1701.1100, 1701.1200, 1701.9100 and 1701.9900, included in Schedule VII, which was circulated in document G/SECRET/12 of 1 November 2000, Chile kindly asks you to correct the product description referring to the last heading in Annex II, 1701.9900, to read "los demás". __________ G/SECRET/12/Corr.2 Page 1 G/SECRET/12/Corr.2 Page 1