Article XXVIII:1 Negotiations - Schedule LXXIV - Suriname
- Suriname
- 2006/08/15
- 已被閱讀 981次
World Trade
Organization No. ______________ G/SECRET/17
30 October 2002 (02-5959) Original: English
Schedule LXXIV - Suriname
The following communication, dated 27 September 2002, has been received from Suriname.
The Government of Suriname is committed to the restructuring of the economy of Suriname for the purpose of increasing employment opportunities, reducing poverty and ensuring food and income security. For this purpose the Government of Suriname has taken a decision to emphasize the development of certain agricultural, environmental and industrial sectors. Pursuant to this, and in the light of ongoing consultations with the local non-state sector, the Government of Suriname wishes to request authorization to enter into Article XXVIII negotiations.
The items and tariff line numbers for which modifications are envisaged in bound tariffs are listed in Annex 1. The proposed modifications as w