Article XXVIII:1 Negotiations - Schedule CXXVII - Grenada
- Grenada
- 2006/08/15
- 已被閱讀 975次
World Trade
Organization No. ______________ G/SECRET/16
18 October 2002 (02-5660) Original: English
Schedule CXXVII - Grenada
The following communication, dated 30 September 2002, has been received from Grenada.
I have the honour to advise you that the Grenada Government has taken the decision to continue its process of structural reforms that will result in the elimination of the few remaining import licenses. We have also renewed our focus on the structural transformation of our economy through inter alia an emphasis on the agricultural development of certain industries of critical importance to our food security and rural development objectives.
Pursuant to this the Government of Grenada wishes to enter into negotiations with Members under Article XXVIII:1 to modify its concessions in the instance of the following headings: 02.07 (Meat of Edible Offal of the Poultry, fresh, chilled or frozen); 22