Article XXVIII:5 - Negotiations - Schedule CXL - European Communities
- European Communities
- 2006/08/15
- 已被閱讀 803次
World Trade
Organization No. _________________ G/SECRET/15
31 July 2002 (02-4232) Original: English
Schedule CXL – European Communities
The following communication, dated 26 July 2002, has been received from the Permanent Mission of the European Communities.
In accordance with the provisions and procedures of Article XXVIII, paragraph 5 of the General Agreement, the European Communities hereby provides notification that it intends to modify concessions on items 10011050 (durum wheat), 10019095 (spelt, common wheat and meslin, except spelt for sowing) 10020000 (rye), 10030050 (barley), 1005 (maize, except hybrid seeds), 10070090 (grain sorghum, except hybrids for sowing) included in Schedule CXL of the European Communities annexed to the General Agreement.
The European Communities is prepared to enter into negotiations and consultations with the appropriate Members under Article XXVIII for the