Committee of Participants on the Expansion of Trade in Information Technology Products - Survey on EMC/EMI - Replies to the Survey - Communication from the United States



Replies to the Survey


Communication from the United States



            The following communication, dated 17 April 2003, has been received from the Permanent Mission of the United States.





1.         (a)        Does your government have mandatory technical requirements for electromagnetic interference of Information Technology equipment?  If so, please identify.


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has mandatory technical requirements for electromagnetic interference from Information Technology equipment. The requirements are found in 47 CFR Part 15.


            Information Technology equipment is classified as “unintentional radiators” and is required to comply with conducted emission limits (§15.107) and radiated emission limits (§15.109).


            (b)        Are these requirements harmonized with CISPR 22?  If not, please explain the current requirements.


Line Conducted Emissions