Committee of Participants on the Expansion of Trade in Information Technology Products - Classification Divergences - Note by the Secretariat - Revision

World Trade Organization G/IT/W/6/Rev.2 11 July 2003 (03-3761) Committee of Participants on the Expansion of Trade in Information Technology Products CLASSIFICATION DIVERGENCES Note by the Secretariat Revision In order to proceed with work on Classification Divergences, it was requested at the formal meeting of 24 April 2003 that the Secretariat update these lists of products based on the latest report from customs experts (Informal Meeting of Customs Experts from ITA Participants to Discuss Classification Divergences, G/IT/14/Rev.1/Add.1). Thus, this document revises the information in G/IT/W/6 + Rev.1, and is based on the information contained in G/IT/14/Rev.1/Add.1. The lists are set out as follows: (1A) those items where divergences were narrowed to one classification option, (1B) those items where divergences were narrowed to two or more possible classifications, and agreement was reached with respect to these classifications (2) t