Committee on Government Procurement - Proposed new format for the Appendices II to IV to the GPA 2012 - Communication from the Secretariat

Proposed New Format for the Appendices II to IV to the GPA 2012

Communication from the Secretariat




This document relates to the Committee's October 2024 meetings, specifically the agenda item of the formal meeting referring to the agreement, if acceptable, by the Committee on the changes to the Appendices II to IV to the GPA 2012 (_ICN/GPA/10).

The attached draft version of the Appendices II to IV in the three official WTO languages incorporates feedback and related suggestions previously received from Parties.

·_        English – Appendices II to IV

·_        French – Appendices II to IV

·_        Spanish – Appendices II to IV

As a reminder, under the current format, modifications made by one Party, or the addition of a new Party may necessitate changes to the entire or other parts of the Appendices II to IV, including information concerning other Parties. With the proposed new format, only the relevant page(s) of the Appendices II to IV for the Party affected by a modification will need to be updated or certified. Additionally, the new format takes account of the ongoing development of the e-GPA Gateway and will facilitate easy integration into it by reflecting the information in an appropriate electronic format.


