Committee on Government Procurement - Minutes of the Formal Meeting of 9 December 2008
- WTO Secretariat
- 2009/02/02
- 已被閱讀 1133次
World Trade
Organization RESTRICTED GPA/M/35
20 January 2009
(09-0235) Committee on Government Procurement
MINUTES OF THE formal MEETING of 9 december 2008
Chairman: Mr. Nicholas Niggli (Switzerland)
The Chairman said that in preparation for the meeting, delegations had received an airgram (WTO/AIR/3293 and Corr.1, dated 26 November 2008 and 2 December 2008, respectively) setting out the proposed agenda for the meeting, and an Annotated Agenda (Job No. 9345, dated 1 December 2008). The agenda, as outlined in the airgram, was as follows:
A. Requests for observer status: Bahrain and New Zealand;
B. Accessions. As specified in the Annotated Agenda, this item would include the taking of a decision on the accession of Chinese Taipei, based on the draft decision and final offer circulated in GPA/ACC/TPKM/1, and a review of the state of play regarding other pending accessions;
C. Implementation of the Agreement – notification of thresholds, statist