Committee on Government Procurement - Minutes of the Meeting Held on 14 March 2005

World Trade Organization RESTRICTED GPA/M/26 13 April 2005 (05-1521) Committee on Government Procurement MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 14 MArch 2005 Chairman: Mr. Niklas Bergström (Sweden) The Committee adopted the following agenda, as outlined in Airgram WTO/AIR/2519 of 25 February 2005: A. Election of Chairman for 2005 B. Other Business. election of chairman for 2005 The Committee elected Ambassador Tae-yul Cho (Korea) as its Chairman for 2005, with effect as of the end of the week. other business Statement by Israel The representative of Israel thanked all Parties of the GPA Committee for the constructive way in which they had dealt with the issue of offsets and Israel's needs in that regard. The Decision taken by the Committee in December 2004 had given all Parties extra time to reflect on their needs regarding offset requirements and how the Agreement on Government Procurement should address this issue. Israel's statement to the Commit