Committee on Government Procurement - Systematic compilation of documents concerning the work of the Committee on Government Procurement - State-of-play as of 28 October 2022 - Note by the secretariat - Revision

Systematic Compilation of documents concerning the work of the Committee on government procurement

State-of-play as of 27 November 2024

Note by the Secretariat[1]

This note systematically compiles documents concerning the work of the Committee on Government Procurement (CGP) and other GPA-related documents[2], with the exception of documents related to individual CGP notifications[3] and GPA accession processes[4].


This note will be updated periodically to reflect the latest developments.


Any questions/comments may be addressed to the Secretariat (; and/or




Table of Contents

1   Meetings of the CGP. 4

1.1   CGP Meeting Information. 4

1.1.1   WTO CGP (1996 -2024) 4

1.1.2   Interim CGP (1994 – 1995) 16

1.2   CGP Chairs. 17

1.2.1   WTO CGP. 17

1.2.2   Interim CGP. 18

1.3   Observers to the CGP. 18

1.3.1   WTO CGP. 18

1.3.2   Interim CGP. 20

2   Matters related to the Administration, Implementation, and
Operation of the Agreement. 20

2.1   Annual Reports of the CGP. 20

2.2   Enhancing Information-Sharing in the Committee. 22

2.3   Loose-Leaf System for the Appendices to the GPA. 22

2.4   Circulation and Derestriction of Documents of the CGP. 23

2.4.1   WTO CGP. 23

2.4.2   Interim CGP. 24

3   Disputes, Consultations and Requests for Information.. 24

3.1   GPA 1994. 25

3.1.1   Korea – Measures affecting government procurement (DS163) 25

3.1.2   United States - Measure Affecting Government Procurement (DS88/DS95) 25

3.1.3   JapanProcurement of a Navigation Satellite (DS73) 26

3.1.4   Requests for information pursuant to Art. XIX:1, 3 of the GPA 1994. 26

4   CGP Work Programmes and Other Thematic Work. 26

4.1   GPA 2012 - Work Programmes of the CGP. 26

4.1.1   SMEs. 27

4.1.2   Sustainable Procurement 28

4.1.3   Collection and Reporting of Statistical Data. 29

4.1.4   Exclusions and Restrictions in Parties' Annexes. 31

4.2   GPA 1994. 31

4.2.1   Information Technology – Exchange of Information (Art. XXIV:8 of the GPA 1994) 31

4.3   Interim CGP. 32

4.3.1   Statistical Reporting (Working Group) 32

5   Negotiations under Article XXIV:7 of the GPA 1994. 34

5.1   Main events/documents. 34

5.2   Negotiating Modalities. 34

5.3   Revision of the Text of the GPA 1994. 35

5.4   Market Access Negotiations. 37

5.4.1   Requests and Offers. 37

5.4.2   Agreement and Review of the Results of the Negotiations. 40

6   Notifications of Acceptance of the GPA. 41

6.1   GPA 1994. 41

6.2   GPA 2012. 42

7   Other Matters. 43

7.1.1   WTO CGP. 43

7.1.2   Interim CGP. 43


[1] This document has been prepared under the Secretariat's own responsibility and is without prejudice to the positions of Members or to their rights and obligations under the WTO.

[2] Please note that some documents listed in this compilation are restricted, including pursuant to the Decision of the Committee on Government Procurement (CGP) of 8 October 2002 on the Procedures for the Circulation and Derestriction of Documents of the CGP (_GPA/72 (23/10/2002)).

[3] For a comprehensive compilation of documents relating to notifications, please refer to the Note by the Secretariat entitled "Systemic Compilation of Notifications under the Agreement", which is updated periodically to reflect the latest documents (GPA/S/3).

[4] For a comprehensive compilation of documents relating to accessions, please refer to the Note by the Secretariat entitled "Systematic Compilation of Documents Concerning Individual GPA Accession Processes", which is updated periodically to reflect the latest documents (GPA/S/1).