Committee on Government Procurement - Review of the Agreement on Government Procurement - Revision of Article IX - Submission by the United States
- United States
- 2005/08/18
- 已被閱讀 1144次
World Trade
Organization GPA/W/85
29 June 1999 (99-2689) Committee on Government Procurement Original: English
Revision of Article IX
Submission by the United States
As we have noted in previous informal consultations, the United States believes that Article IX of the GPA is excessively complicated and difficult to understand. We believe that revision of this Article would contribute significantly to the Committee’s work to simplify and improve the Agreement.
In our view, problems with Article IX as currently drafted include the following:
The Article uses many closely related but undefined terms to describe various types of procurement notifications. In particular, it does not define the terms "intended procurement", "proposed procurement", and "planned procurement".
The lists of information to be included in some of these types of procurement notifications are redundant and, i