Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights - Notification of laws and regulations under Article 63.2 of the TRIPS Agreement - China : Seed Law of the People's Republic of China


China: Seed Law of the People's Republic of China

Notifying Member



Details of the notified legal text



Seed Law of the People's Republic of China

Subject matter

Patents (including plant variety protection)

Nature of notification

[X]     Main dedicated intellectual property law or regulation_

[  ]     Other law or regulation_

Link to legal text[*]

Notification status

[X]     First notification

[  ]     Amendment or revision to notified legal text

[  ]_     Replacement or consolidation of notified legal text(s)

Previous notification(s) referred to

Not applicable

Brief description of the notified legal text


The main revisions to the Seed Law of the People's Republic of China are as follows:


Enhancement of new plant variety rights based on provisions from pertinent international conventions:


1.    Establishment of a substantive system for derived varieties. It is mandated that commercial exploitation of a derivative variety, which is developed by modifying and improving the breeding results of another, requires the consent of the original variety right holder and the payment of royalties.


2.    Expansion of the protection scope and links of new plant variety rights. This includes extending the protection scope of new plant variety rights beyond the propagation material of the authorized variety to include the harvest material and encompassing processing, offering for sales, import, export, and storage for propagation within the protection process.


3.    Increase of infringement compensation to protect the legitimate rights and interests of new plant variety rights holders.


Language(s) of notified legal text

English, Chinese

Entry into force

1 March 2022

Other date



Notification details


Submission date of notification

27 June 2024

Other information

The text of the Law notified is in Chinese and English languages. Please note that the English translations shall not be regarded as official and are only for reference by WTO members.


Agency or authority responsible

Ministry of Commerce, P.R. China

No.2 Dong Chang'an Avenue




Telephone:       +8601065197362



[*] Links are provided to texts of laws and regulations notified under the TRIPS Agreement in the form supplied by the Member concerned; the WTO Secretariat does not endorse or revise their content.