Committee of Participants on the Expansion of Trade in Information Technology Products - EMC/EMI pilot project - Draft list of the types of conformity assessment procedures for EMC/EMI used by ITA participants - Note by the Secretariat - Revision



Note by the Secretariat[1]


1.1.  At the Committee's formal meeting of 24 February 2005, the Secretariat was asked to draw up a list to categorize the type of assessment procedures adopted and used by each ITA participant. The list below has been drafted based on the information available as contained in G/IT/SPEC/Q4 series and compiled in G/IT/SPEC/Q4/19/Rev.2. Types of the conformity assessment procedures used by ITA participants are summarized below as (a) to (f) in descending order of complexity as per the Guidelines for EMC/EMI Conformity Assessment Procedures (G/IT/25), however, another category is added as (g) to specify those participants applying no mandatory assessment procedure:

a.       Certification by a regulator or delegated entity - the equipment has to be submitted to the regulator or its delegated entity for certification.

b.       Certification by 3rd party - the equipment has to be submitted to certification bodies recognized (or approved) by the regulator for certification.

c.       Supplier's Declaration of Conformity (SDoC) type 1 - the supplier or manufacturer of the equipment declares the equipment meets the technical and administrative requirement. A testing laboratory recognized by the regulator tests the equipment and the supplier registers this equipment with the regulator.

d.      Supplier's Declaration of Conformity (SDoC) type 2 - the supplier or manufacturer of the equipment declares the equipment meets the technical and administrative requirements on the basis of test reports by a testing laboratory recognized by the regulator. No registration of the equipment with the regulator is required.

e.       Supplier's Declaration of Conformity (SDoC) type 3 - the supplier or manufacturer of the equipment declares the equipment meets the technical and administrative requirement. The supplier registers the equipment with the regulator. Testing of the equipment by recognized testing laboratory is not mandatory. If testing is undertaken, the choice of the testing laboratory rests with supplier or manufacturer.

f.       Supplier's Declaration of Conformity (SDoC) type 4 - the supplier or manufacturer of the equipment declares the equipment meets the technical and administrative requirement. Registration of the equipment with the regulator is not required and testing of the equipment by recognized testing laboratory is not mandatory. If testing is undertaken, the choice of the testing laboratory rests with supplier or manufacturer.

g.      No mandatory assessment procedure.


1.2.  The above is a generic description of the procedures. In practice, ITA participants may use different or alternative titles and names to describe their procedures, in such case, they are specified as relevant information.

[1] This document has been prepared under the Secretariat's own responsibility and is without prejudice to the positions of Members or to their rights and obligations under the WTO. The latest update has been highlighted in bold for ease of reference.