Kyrgyz Republic
following communication, dated 28 January 2025, is being circulated at the
request of the delegation of the Kyrgyz Republic.
A. Notifying Member: The Kyrgyz Republic
B. Date of notification: 27 January 2025
C. First time notification:
No, last notification was made
in (doc. symbol): _G/MA/QR/N/KGZ/1/Add.37
D. Type of notification:
1. Complete (i.e. notification of
all quantitative restrictions in force)
2. Changes to a notification previously made in [symbol] which are of the following nature:
2.1 Introduction of new restrictions, as listed
in Section 1.
2.2 Elimination of restrictions, as described
in G below.
2.3 Modification of a previously notified
restriction, as described in Section 1.
3. Reverse notification of restrictions
maintained by (Member):
E. The
notification provides information for the following biennial period
(e.g. 2012‑2014): 2024-2026 and
relates to restrictions in force as of 20 December 2024
F. This notification contains information* relating
1: List of quantitative restrictions that are
currently in force.
2: Cross-reference to other WTO notifications
with information on quantitative restrictions that are currently in force and
additional information.
G. Comments of a general nature, including
a description of the elimination of restrictions notified under D.2.2 and the
date they ceased to be in force.
The Kyrgyz
Republic notifies the following temporary measure:
The Decree of
the Ministry of Water Resources, Agriculture and Processing Industry of the
Kyrgyz Republic #04-13/4 dated 11.01.2025 on quantitative restrictions
(quotas) for a period of 6 months on the export from the territory of
the Kyrgyz Republic of cattle (code 0102) in the amount of 40,000 (forty
thousand) heads over 12 months old, sheep and goats (code 0104) in
the amount of 60,000 (sixty thousand) heads over 12 months old, horses
(code 0101) in the amount of 10,000 (ten thousand) heads over 12 months
old. The Decree enters into force on 20 January 2025, for a
duration of 6 months.
The rules of
distribution of the quantitative restrictions (quotas) and the application
form are described in Annexes 1 and 2.
QR No.
description of the restriction
Type of
Tariff line
code(s) affected, based on HS (2022)
Product Description
Justification and Grounds for Restriction, e.g., Other International
National legal
basis and entry into force
modification of previously notified measures, and other comments
Cattle over 12 months
old in the amount of 40,000 (forty thousand) heads
Cattle over 12 months
old in the amount of 40,000 (forty thousand) heads
GATT Article XI.2
The Decree of the Ministry of Water Resources,
Agriculture and Processing Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic #04-13/4 dated
The Decree enters into force on 20 of January 2025,
for a duration of 6 months.
The Decree of the Ministry of Water
Resources, Agriculture and Processing Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic
#04-13/4 dated 11.01.2025 on quantitative restrictions (quotas) for a period
of 6 months on the export from the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic of
cattle (code 0102) in the amount of 40,000 (forty thousand) heads over 12 months
old, sheep and goats (code 0104) in the amount of 60,000 (sixty thousand)
heads over 12 months old, horses (code 0101) in the amount of
10,000 (ten thousand) heads over 12 months old. The Decree enters into
force on 20 January 2025, for a duration of 6 months.
The rules of distribution of the quantitative
restrictions (quotas) and the application form are described in Annexes 1
and 2.
Sheep and goats over 12
months old (code 0104) in the amount of 60,000 (sixty thousand) heads
Sheep and goats over 12 months
old (code 0104) in the amount of 60,000 (sixty thousand) heads
Horses over 12 months
old (code 0101) in the amount of 10,000 (ten thousand) heads
Horses over 12 months
old (code 0101) in the amount of 10,000 (ten thousand) heads
Annex 1
These Rules for
the distribution of quantitative restrictions (quotas) (hereinafter referred to
as the Rules) determine the procedure for distributing the volumes of tariff
quotas between participants in foreign trade activities for the export from the
territory of the Kyrgyz Republic to third countries and to the countries of the
Eurasian Economic Union of cattle, sheep and goats, horses over 12 months old.
The authorized
body in the field of development of the agro-industrial complex (hereinafter
referred to as the authorized body) no later than 3 (three) working days from
the date of entry into force of these Rules shall post on the Internet resource
of the authorized body an announcement about the start of the distribution of
quotas for the export of cattle, sheep and goats, horses over 12 months old.
The following information is indicated in the announcement:
quantitative limit for the export of cattle, sheep and goats, horses
over 12 months old;
limit per producer for the export of cattle, sheep and goats, horses
over 12 months old.
After the entry
into force of these Rules, a quantitative limit on the volume of the quota for
the export of cattle, sheep and goats, horses over 12 months old is formed.
The quantitative
limit for the export of cattle, sheep and goats, horses over 12 months old per
one producer is no more than 5,000 (five thousand) heads of livestock.
The issued quota
for one producer cannot exceed 50 percent of the producer's capacity, and also:
at the time of
quota distribution, the actual number of livestock must be registered and identified
in accordance with the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On the identification
of animals and products of animal origin";
the producer must
be registered with the authorized state veterinary body.
The authorized
body posts on the authorized body's Internet resource the results of the quota
distribution: a consolidated list of applicants who received a quota for the
export of cattle, sheep and goats, horses over 12 months old, indicating the
number of quotas distributed.
The distribution
of quota volumes is carried out on the basis of an application for the
allocation of an export quota in the form in accordance with the appendix to
these Rules. The following documents, certified by the seal and signature of
the supplier, are attached to the application:
a copy of the
foreign trade agreement (contract), with mandatory translation into Russian and
availability of details (contract number and date of drawing up the contract),
appendix and (or) supplement to it, and in the absence of a foreign trade
agreement (contract) - a copy of another document confirming the intentions of
the parties;
in case of
submitting documents through a representative - a power of attorney, a copy of
the passport of the authorized person;
a document
confirming registration (accounting) with the Veterinary Service;
a document on the
availability of actual livestock of cattle, sheep and goats, horses over
12 months old.
Annex 2
Application form
(full name of legal person or
full name of juridical person)
requests to allocate a quota for
the export of:
cattle in the population of
________________ units;
live sheep and goats in the
population of ________________ units;
live horses in the population of
________________ units;
Manager ________________________
(full name)
Place of seal (date) for legal
Passport data for individuals: