Committee on Market Access - Notification pursuant to the Decision on Notification Procedures for Quantitative Restrictions (G/L/59/Rev.1) - 2022 - 2024 - Ukraine - Addendum




The following communication, dated 18 June 2024, is being circulated at the request of the delegation of Ukraine.


A.      Notifying Member: Ukraine

B.      Date of notification: 18 June 2024

C.      First time notification:


      No, last notification was made in (doc. symbol): G/MA/QR/N/UKR/6/Add.10

D.      Type of notification:

      1.  Complete (i.e. notification of all quantitative restrictions in force)

      2.  Changes to the notifications previously made in G/MA/QR/N/UKR/6/Add.9 which are of the following nature:

            2.1   Introduction of new restrictions, as listed in Section 1.

            2.2   Elimination of restrictions, as described in G below.

            2.3   Modification of a previously notified restriction, as described in Section 1.

      3.  Reverse notification of restrictions maintained by (Member):

E.     The notification provides information for the following biennial period (e.g. 2012‑2014): 2022-2024 and relates to restrictions in force as of 18 June 2024

F.      This notification contains information* relating to:

      Section 1:   List of quantitative restrictions that are currently in force.

      Section 2:  Cross-reference to other WTO notifications with information on quantitative restrictions that are currently in force and additional information.

G.      Comments of a general nature, including a description of the elimination of restrictions notified under D.2.2 and the date they ceased to be in force.

Ukraine notifies the adoption of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 30 May 2024 No. 610 "On Amendments to Annex 1 to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 27 December 2023 No. 1402", according to which an export quota of 1,153,000 tons is set for coal, anthracite, briquettes, ovoids and similar solid fuels manufactured from coal under codes 2701 11 00 00, 2701 12 90 00, 2701 19 00 00,
2701 20 00 00.

This notification modifies the measure prohibiting exports of coal, anthracite, briquettes, ovoids and similar solid fuels manufactured from coal, notified in G/MA/QR/N/UKR/6/Add.9.

The measure is effective from 1 June 2024.


Section 1: List of quantitative restrictions that are currently in force



General description of the restriction

Type of restriction

Tariff line code(s) affected, according to UKTZED (based on HS 2017)

Detailed Product Description

WTO Justification and Grounds for Restriction, e.g., Other International Commitments)

National legal basis and entry into force

Administration, modification of previously notified measures, and other comments










Restriction on the exportation of coal, anthracite



2701 11 00 00

2701 12 90 00

2701 19 00 00

2701 20 00 00

Coal, anthracite; briquettes, ovoids and similar solid fuels

manufactured from coal,

quota amount of 1,153,000 tons

Article XI:2(a) of the GATT – prevention of critical shortage of product essential for exporting country, inter alia


Article XXI of the GATT – security exceptions, inter alia

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 30 May 2024 No. 610 "On Amendments to Annex 1 to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 27 December 2023 No. 1402".


Available at:


Effective from 1 June 2024

Administered by the State

Customs Service,

the Ministry of Energy (approval) and the Ministry of Economy (license)


This measure modifies QR No. 2 in document G/MA/QR/N/UKR/6/Add.9.



* In English only.