Committee on Market Access - Notification pursuant to the Decision on Notification Procedures for Quantitative Restrictions (G/L/59/Rev.1) - 2022 - 2024 - Kyrgyz Republic - Addendum


Kyrgyz Republic


The following communication, dated 1 May 2024, is being circulated at the request of the delegation of the Kyrgyz Republic.


A.      Notifying Member: The Kyrgyz Republic

B.      Date of notification 1 May 2024

C.      First time notification:


      No, last notification was made in (doc. symbol): _G/MA/QR/N/KGZ/1/Add.31

D.      Type of notification:

      1.  Complete (i.e. notification of all quantitative restrictions in force)

      2.  Changes to a notification previously made in _G/MA/QR/N/KGZ/1/Add.27 which are of the following nature:

            2.1   Introduction of new restrictions, as listed in Section 1.

            2.2   Elimination of restrictions, as described in G below.

            2.3   Modification of a previously notified restriction, as described in Section 1.

      3.  Reverse notification of restrictions maintained by (Member):

E.     The notification provides information for the following biennial period (e.g. 2012‑2014): 2022-2024 and relates to restrictions in force as of 1 May 2024

F.      This notification contains information* relating to:

      Section 1:   List of quantitative restrictions that are currently in force.

      Section 2:  Cross-reference to other WTO notifications with information on quantitative restrictions that are currently in force and additional information.

G.      Comments of a general nature, including a description of the elimination of restrictions notified under D.2.2 and the date they ceased to be in force.

The Kyrgyz Republic notifies a temporary measure:

The Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic #193 dated 23.04.2024 on the temporary export prohibition of recovered (waste and scrap) paper or paperboard (classified by codes 4707 of the HS of the EAEU) outside the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union entering into force on 14 May 2024, for a duration of 6 months.

QR No.

General description of the restriction

Type of restriction

Tariff line code(s) affected, based on HS (2012)

Detailed Product Description

WTO Justification and Grounds for Restriction, e.g., Other International Commitments

National legal basis and entry into force

Administration, modification of previously notified measures, and other comments









Temporary export prohibition of recovered (waste and scrap) paper or paperboard



Recovered (waste and scrap) paper or paperboard

GATT Article XI:(2)(a)

Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic #193 dated 23.04.2024.


Entered into force on the 14 May 2024 for a period of 6 months.

The Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic #193 dated 23.04.2024 on the temporary export prohibition of recovered (waste and scrap) paper or paperboard (classified by codes 4707 of the HS of the EAEU) outside the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union entering into force on 14 May 2024, for a duration of 6 months.


This is an extension of the measure which was previously notified in document _G/MA/QR/N/KGZ/1/Add.27.



* In English only.