Proposal for Future Work on Trade Facilitation - Communication from Japan
- Japan
- 2004/11/01
- 已被閱讀 491次
World Trade
Organization RESTRICTED G/C/W/215
9 June 2000 (00-2298) Council for Trade in Goods Original: English
Proposal for future work on Trade Facilitation
Communication from Japan
The following communication, dated 7 June 2000, has been received from the delegation of Japan.
1. As a result of the discussions at the CTG up till last year, it has become a common belief among Members that trade facilitation contributes to the development of trade and benefits all trading parties. In this regard, Japan considers that the WTO has to work on this matter more actively. Although the WTO has some existing agreements regarding trade facilitation, we should enhance WTO rules in this area so as to maintain and reinforce the multilateral trading system through trade facilitation.
2. In resuming the work at the CTG, as a first step, it would be useful to start by identifying the issues on trade facilitation in order to assess the scope