Proposal for a CTG Work Method on Trade Facilitation - Joint Communication from Canada and the United States

World Trade Organization RESTRICTED G/C/W/214 7 June 2000 (00-2243) Council for Trade in Goods Original: English Proposal for a CTG Work Method on Trade Facilitation Joint Communication from Canada and the United States _______________ 1. There are four important objectives for conducting further work in the Council for Trade in Goods, consistent with its Singapore Ministerial mandate to “carry out exploratory and analytical work, taking into account the work of other relevant organizations, on the simplification of trade procedures, in order to assess the scope for WTO rules in this area.” Such work should be undertaken with an aim to: exchange experiences linked to real-world problems Members are addressing in varying ways; identify various types of measures related to the conduct of trade transactions and describe how such measures incorporate basic WTO principles associated with trade facilitation; analyze potential current “gaps” wi