Trade Facilitation in Relation to Existing WTO Agreements - Communication from the European Communities
- European Communities
- 2004/11/01
- 已被閱讀 1160次
World Trade
Organization RESTRICTED G/C/W/136, G/L/299,
S/C/W/101, IP/C/W/131
10 March 1999 (99-0949) Council for Trade in Goods Original: English
trade facilitation
Trade Facilitation in relation to existing WTO Agreements
Communication from the European Communities
In previous submissions to the Council for Trade in Goods, the European Community has proposed developing a set of WTO rules to simplify trade procedures. The Community believes that a WTO initiative is the best means to provide both high level political impetus and the overall trade policy framework needed if we are to introduce globally, simplified procedures suited to today’s international trade.
As we heard from the business community at the March 1998 trade facilitation symposium, considerable simplification of procedures could also be achieved in some existing WTO Agreements. This should be our starting point. Some of the Community’s specific proposals on trade f