Matters Related to the Facilitation of Cargo Movement in Korea - Communication from the Republic of Korea
- Republic of Korea
- 2004/11/01
- 已被閱讀 911次
World Trade
Organization RESTRICTED G/C/W/134
22 December 1998 (98-5147) Council for Trade in Goods Original: English
Matters Related to the Facilitation of Cargo Movement in Korea
Communication from the Republic of Korea
In Korea foreign goods may be transported in bond if they are transported only between the places listed below:
(1) Open ports;
(2) Bonded areas;
(3) Customs office premises;
(4) Non-bonded areas permitted by the customs collector;
(5) Customs clearance stations.
Any person who desires to engage himself/herself in transportation in bond shall make a declaration to the customs collector and obtain a license. This system enables businessman doing business in the interior region to conduct customs procedures conveniently in his/her local customs office.
Declaration of Bonded Transportation
The declaration of bonded transportation shall be made in t