Communication from Canada

World Trade Organization RESTRICTED G/C/W/126 30 September 1998 (98-3777) Council for Trade in Goods Original: English TRADE FACILITATION Communication from Canada In the declaration emanating from the Singapore Ministerial meeting, WTO Ministers established a WTO mandate to: Carry out exploratory and analytical work, taking into account the work of other relevant organizations, on the simplification of trade procedures, in order to assess the scope for WTO rules in this area. Canada fully supports and will continue to participate fully in the WTO work and approaches the discussions with an open mind. This paper presents some preliminary views and suggestions which may be supplemented or altered as the work proceeds. Canada's basic approach to the WTO's work on trade facilitation is to identify and analyze where the WTO can contribute value-added to existing work in the area by other organizations and by filling gaps in the existing work. This