Assessment of the Scope for WTO Rules in the Field of Import, Export and Customs Procedures - Communication by the European Community
- European Community
- 2004/11/01
- 已被閱讀 1089次
World Trade
Organization RESTRICTED G/C/W/122
22 September 1998 (98-3618) Council for Trade in Goods Original: English
Assessment of the Scope for WTO Rules in the Field of Import, Export and Customs Procedures
Communication by the European Community
The Singapore mandate requires WTO members to:
“Carry out exploratory and analytical work, taking into account the work of other relevant organisations, on the simplification of trade procedures, in order to assess the scope for WTO rules in this area.”
In line with this mandate, and the work programme established by the Council for Trade in Goods, the EU in this paper gives an analysis and assessment of the scope for WTO rules covering import and export procedures and requirements, including customs and border crossing problems.
To simplify the presentation, the analysis is divided into two parts : documentation and information requirements at import and export