Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights - Special session - Multilateral system of notification and registration of geographical indications for wines and spirits - Report by the Chairman, Ambassador Alfredo Suescum (Panama)


Report by the Chairman, Ambassador Alfredo Suescum (Panama)




1.  I present this report on my own responsibility and without prejudice to the position of delegations or to the outcome of negotiations on the negotiations on the establishment of a multilateral system of notification and registration of geographical indications (GIs) for wines and spirits ("GI Register") in the Special Session of the Council for TRIPS.

2.  Since my last written report, circulated as document _TN/IP/32 on 13 December 2023, there has been little activity in the TRIPS negotiations on the GI register. I have held informal individual consultations with a number of principal proponent delegations to hear their thoughts on how and if the Special Session might proceed in fulfilling its mandate.

3.  In my consultations, I have reminded delegations that moving forward would require significant efforts to overcome persistent disagreements on substantive and procedural issues in the GI register negotiations. I stressed that the negotiations would be driven by Members, but more particularly by the proponents of the GI Register. I invited these delegations to reflect on relatively recent events (e.g. in multilateral, bilateral and regional agreements and in domestic GI protection systems) to see if these events might suggest any novel ideas on how the Special Session might proceed in moving forward.

4.  In these exchanges, Members expressed little willingness to engage substantively in the TRIPS Special Session for the moment. Nonetheless, the delegations generally stressed that the negotiations remained important for them, and indicated their readiness and willingness to reflect on how the work of the Special Session could be reinvigorated.

5.  Regarding next steps, I will hold additional informal individual consultations with interested delegations to hear their thoughts on the work of the Special Session. It remains my hope that delegations will eventually return to substantive discussion in the TRIPS Special Session and work towards a multilateral conclusion of its mandate.
