REGARDING the notification of CANADA[1]
The following communication,
dated and received on 25 September 2024, is being circulated at the request of
the delegation of the European Union.
The European Union thanks Canada for its
notification _G/STR/N/20/CAN and would like to
request some additional information.
1 Butter exports
Page 6 Table II: Canadian Dairy Commission
stopped exporting butter altogether.
Could Canada please provide further
information if the
discontinuation of butter export is linked to the statement on page 3 para E,
re Canada Dairy Commission "How export
prices are determined. Not applicable. In conformity with the WTO Nairobi
Ministerial Decision on Export Competition, CDC's export programs were
cancelled effective December 31, 2020"?
Question 2:
Could Canada please confirm that that the CDC
is no longer mandated to export butter and dairy oils?
2 Wines & Spirits price reporting
Page 24 Table I: The previous notification _G/STR/N/19/CAN submitted to the WTO
included detailed comparison of per unit import price and average
representative domestic sales price. These are now included only for beer and
there is no difference between the two values.
Question 3:
Could Canada please explain why this is the
case? Why are mark-ups not listed for each category of products?
Question 4:
Could Canada please explain why the average representative domestic
sales prices for wine and spirits were much higher in 2020-21 (as listed in the
previous report) comparing to 2022-23?