Working Party on State Trading Enterprises - State trading - New and full notification pursuant to article XVII:4(a) of the GATT 1994 and paragraph 1 of the Understanding on the Interpretation of Article XVII - Canada


new and full Notification Pursuant to Article XVII:4(a) of the
GATT 1994 and Paragraph 1 of the Understanding on
the Interpretation of Article XVII


The following communication, dated and received on 28 June 2024, is being circulated at the request of the delegation of Canada.





Pursuant to the provisions of Article XVII:4(a) of the GATT 1994 and paragraph 1 of the Understanding on the Interpretation of Article XVII, Canada submits herewith its notification concerning state trading enterprises. This notification covers the Canadian Dairy Commission, the Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation and the Provincial and Territorial Liquor Control Authorities for the period covering 2021/2022 to 2022/2023.