Working Party on State Trading Enterprises - State Trading - New and full notification pursuant to article XVII:4(a) of the GATT 1994 and paragraph 1 of the Understanding on the Interpretation of Article XVII - Brazil




The following notification, dated and received on 28 June 2024, is being circulated at the request of the delegation of Brazil.





Pursuant to Article XVII:4(a) of the GATT 1994 and paragraph 1 of the Understanding on the Interpretation of Article XVII of the GATT 1994, and in response to the call for notifications contained in document G/STR/N/20, Brazil makes the following notification for the years 2022-2023.

I.     Enumeration of state trading enterprises

A.    Identification of state trading enterprises

Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento (Conab National Company for Food Supply).

B.    Description of products affected (including tariff item number(s) encompassed in product description)

Agricultural Products (commodities).

II.    Reason and purpose

A.    Reason or purpose for establishing and/or maintaining state trading enterprise

The company's mission is to provide intelligence on agriculture and livestock and to participate in the formulation and execution of public policies, contributing to the regularity of food supply and to the provision of income to rural producers. The enterprise maintains regular and grain warehouses in the different regions of Brazil, with the aim of stocking agricultural products and ensuring food supply to the population.

Conab offers detailed and updated information on the national production in agriculture and livestock, by collecting data on forecasts of harvests, costs of production and stockholding, stock positioning and market indicators, besides technical studies on supply of and demand for relevant products, among other data. Its studies and research, as well as information on the company's initiatives, are publicly available in its institutional website and allow for the general diffusion of data and information.

B.    Summary of legal basis for granting the relevant exclusive or special rights or privileges, including legal provisions and summary of statutory or constitutional powers

Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento (Conab – National Company for Food Supply) is a public federal enterprise of private law with its headquarters in Brasília, linked to the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA). The company was created by means of Law n° 8.029, of April 12th, 1990. Its activities started on January 1st, 1991.

Its administrative bodies are the Administration Council (Consad), Fiscal Council (Confis) and the Board of Directors. Consad is presided by the Executive-Secretary of MAPA and is composed by the President-Director of Conab, up to three representatives from MAPA and one from the Ministry of Economy. Confis, Conab's supervision body, is composed by three effective members and their alternates: one from the National Treasury; and two from MAPA, appointed by the Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply after approval from the President of Brazil. The board of Directors is composed of the Company's President and its Directors.

III.  Description of the functioning of the state trading enterprise

A.    Summary statement providing overview of operations of the state trading enterprise

The Social Statute of Conab, in its object and social goals, provides for the following initiatives:

·_              formation of regulatory and strategic stocks to absorb surpluses and correct imbalances resulting from speculation;

·_              planning, regulating and executing the Federal Government's Policy for Ensurance of Minimum Prices;

·_              implementing other instruments for support of prices in agriculture and livestock;

·_              developing actions of foreign trade, according to directives from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA) and to legislation related to the Chamber of Foreign Trade (Camex);

·_              under normal circumstances, the private sector is in charge of imports and exports of agricultural products. Conab's commercial activities related to stock moving are conditioned to authorization from MAPA and, when required, from Camex. All these activities, when authorized, are conducted by means of electronic tenders with market prices and, therefore, no distortion is caused.

B.    Specification of exclusive or special rights or privileges enjoyed by the state trading enterprise

Conab holds no special right or privilege to export, import, buy or sell agricultural products. Conab is a federal public company of private law, which operates under market conditions just as private companies do. It is granted no privilege from government.

C.   Type of entities other than the state trading enterprise that are allowed to engage in importation/exportation and conditions for participation

Any import, export, purchase or sale of agricultural commodities in Brazil may be freely conducted by private agents, without any restriction.

D.   How import/export levels are established by the state trading enterprise

During the period covered by this notification, Conab has not imported or exported any agricultural product.

E.    How export prices are determined

Does not apply (see III.D).

F.    How the resale prices of imported products are determined

Does not apply (see III.D).

G.   Whether long term contracts are negotiated by the state trading enterprise. Whether the state trading enterprise is used to fulfil contractual obligations entered into by the government.

Does not apply.

H.   Brief description of market structure

Operations in the market of agricultural products are conducted by private, independent buyers and sellers.

IV.   Statistical information

Does not apply. No foreign trade has taken place.

V.     Reason why no foreign trade has taken place

During the period covered by this notification, Conab has not imported or exported agricultural products because such operations have not been necessary to accomplish its institutional mission.

VI.   Additional information

No additional information.

