Fourth Thematic Session on Supply Chain
Examples of multilateral and regional
initiatives and how the WTO can support Members to Use Available Data and
Information to support
their Supply Chain Resilience policy responses
Summary Report[1]
1 Introduction
1.1. The Committee on Market Access (CMA or Committee) held its fourth,
and final, thematic session in the series on supply chain resilience on 17
January 2025.[2] The session was
moderated by Mr. Iain Fifer (United Kingdom).[3]
Presentations were delivered by experts from Brazil; China; Singapore; St.
Kitts on behalf of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS); the
United States; and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia
and the Pacific (UNESCAP) Bangkok. The session focused on multilateral and
regional initiatives for supply chain resilience and how the WTO, particularly
the Committee on Market Access, could support Members. The presentations are
reproduced in the annex.[4]
The presentations and discussions revolved around the following two guiding
[1] This report has been prepared by the Secretariat under its own
responsibility and is without prejudice to Members' rights and obligations
under the WTO.
[2] At its formal meeting on 16-17 October 2023, the Committee agreed
to organize a series of thematic sessions on supply chain resilience based on a
proposal by the United Kingdom (_JOB/MA/167
and _JOB/MA/167/Add.1).
The first session took place on 21 November 2023 (see document _JOB/MA/173),
the second session on 6 May 2024 (_JOB/MA/173/Add.1)
and the third session on 18 October 2024 (_JOB/MA/173/Add.2).
[4] In English only and in alphabetical order.