Committee on Market Access - Committee on Agriculture - Special Session - Round table - Type discussion on enhancing transparency in applied tariffs - Communication from the Russian Federation

 round table – type discussion on enhancing transparency
in applied tariffs

communication from the Russian Federation[1]


The following notification dated 5 June 2020, is being circulated at the request of the delegation of the Russian Federation.


1  Introduction

1.1.   The earlier communications of the Russian Federation on the topic of enhancing transparency in applied tariffs are contained in the documents JOB/MA/138 - JOB/AG/154 dated 20 March 2019, RD/AG/70 dated 27 May 2019, RD/MA/45 dated 3 June 2019, RD/MA/49 dated 3 June 2019.

1.2.   The Round Table-Type Discussion on Enhancing Transparency in Applied Tariffs took place on 31 January 2020. The Round Table was organized by the Russian Federation with a view to promoting a discussion on the possible ways to improve transparency in applied tariffs and to exchange respective experience with the WTO Members.

1.3.   The agenda of the Round Table included the discussion of the following key issues: (i) enhancing transparency in applied tariffs; (ii) the importance of transparency and access to information for MSMEs; (iii) Presentation by the EU: “Transparency in applied tariffs: EU best practices”; (iv) Presentation by Paraguay: “Changes in applied tariffs: the Paraguayan case.”; (v) Presentation by New Zealand: “New Zealand experience providing tariff information to businesses”; (vi) transparency in applied tariffs within the current global framework; (vii) tariff modifications and market transparency in the grain sector; and (viii) WTO’s Integrated Database in the context of MSMEs. The program of the Round Table is annexed to this submission and can be found on the following link.[2]

1.4.   The Russian Federation hereby submits a summary of the Round Table discussions.

[1] This document has been prepared by the delegation of the Russian Federation without prejudice to the positions of participants to the Round Table.