Communication from Canada
following communication, received on 23 October 2024, is being circulated at
the request of the Delegation of Canada.
1. Canada would like to provide an update regarding the provision of
technical assistance from January to December 2023[1].
Technical assistance has been provided to developing and least developed
countries in accordance with Article 9 of the Agreement on the Application of
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures. The assistance was primarily aimed at
facilitating the development and implementation of sanitary and
phytosanitary measures based on sound science. The attached table reflects
Canadian technical assistance to developing and least developed countries in
2023. While every effort has been made to ensure that information contained
in the table presents all relevant technical assistance projects, it may not
constitute a complete compilation of technical assistance delivered given the
number of Canadian government departments and agencies and the variety of
delivery programs involved.
2. The monetary value of the technical assistance committed amounted to
approximately CDN 4.3 million between January and December 2023. It
should be noted that, in many cases, the organizations providing the
assistance also made additional in-kind contributions to projects.
3. Assistance was provided to 33 countries - in Africa, Latin America
and the Caribbean, Europe, Central Asia and the Asia-Pacific region. Assistance
was directed to both individual countries, groups of countries, and to
international organizations.
4. Canada's assistance addressed three of the four broad categories
listed in _G/SPS/GEN/206:
information; training; and "soft" infrastructure development (but not
"hard" infrastructure development). Assistance from Canada covered
most of the "typical areas of competence" listed under the headings
of food safety, animal health and plant protection, in the Annex of _G/SPS/GEN/206.
5. In all, 47 projects are listed for the period January to December
2023. Some of the projects listed are multi-year projects; however, projects
are only reported once and generally in the year in which the project is
initiated unless subsequent funded project extensions occur, or the amount is
reported on an annual basis due to the progress of utilizing funding.
[1] Canada has provided technical assistance updates for 2019 (_G/SPS/GEN/1834),
2018 (_G/SPS/GEN/1738),
2017 (_G/SPS/GEN/1651),
2016 (_G/SPS/GEN/1584),
2015 (_G/SPS/GEN/1522),
2014 (_G/SPS/GEN/1426),
2013 (_G/SPS/GEN/1342),
2012 (_G/SPS/GEN/1318),
2011 (_G/SPS/GEN/1196),
2010 (_G/SPS/GEN/1149),
2009 (_G/SPS/GEN/1099),
2008 (_G/SPS/GEN/1027),
2007 (_G/SPS/GEN/1008),
2005‑2006 (_G/SPS/GEN/765),
2000-2004 (_G/SPS/GEN/728),
and for years prior to 2000 (_G/SPS/GEN/143/Rev.1/Add.1).