Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures - Thematic session on emerging risks and new agricultural technologies to address them - Monday, 11 November 2024 - WTO, Centre William Rappard, Geneva and zoom - Programme

SPS Committee thematic sESSION on emerging risks and
new agricultural technologies to address them

MONday, 11 NOVEMBER 2024



1.  The SPS Committee is holding a thematic session on SPS-related emerging risks and new agricultural technologies, based on a joint proposal submitted by Canada and the European Union[2] in the context of the Sixth Review of the Operation and Implementation of the SPS Agreement. This thematic session builds on the productive discussions held as part of the work conducted under the MC12 SPS Declaration on Responding to Modern SPS Challenges (MC12 SPS Declaration Work Programme) and will explore Members' experiences, best practices, successes, and challenges associated with emerging risks and the new agricultural technologies that can help address them. The thematic session will shed light on two main topics, namely:

a._    ways to define, identify, and characterize SPS-related emerging risks that pose a threat to food safety, human, plant or animal life or health; and

b._    the development and implementation of new agricultural technologies to address emerging risks and the barriers to their successful implementation.

2.  As a follow-up to this event, the SPS Committee is planning another thematic session in March 2025 to discuss different regulatory approaches used by Members to mitigate SPS-related emerging risks.

3.  The thematic session will be held in Geneva, Switzerland, on Monday, 11 November 2024, from 10:00 to 13:00 (CET), and continuing in the afternoon at 15:00 (CET). The thematic session can be attended in person or virtually via Zoom. Interpretation will be provided in English, French, and Spanish.

4.  More information, including the Zoom registration link, is available on

MORNING SESSION (10:00 – 13:00 CET)

Opening session

Chairperson of the SPS Committee: Ms Cecilia Risolo

·_        Speaker TBC, SPS Team, WTO Secretariat. Setting the scene

Session 1 – Emerging risks

This session will discuss initiatives and structures for the definition, identification, and characterization of emerging risks that pose a threat to food safety, human, plant, or animal life or health, with international organizations, Members, and other stakeholders sharing their views and experiences.

International organizations: Representatives from international organizations will provide an overview of their work relating to the identification of SPS-related emerging risks and ways to address them.

·_        Mr Vittorio Fattori, [Title], Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Food Systems and Food Safety Division. FAO food safety foresight programme and emerging issues [Title TBC]

·_        Dr Ryan Newkirk TBC, [Title], World Health Organization (WHO). WHO/FAO international food safety authorities' network (INFOSAN) [Title TBC]

·_        WOAH Speaker TBC

Followed by Q&A session and discussion

Members, industry representatives and academia: Speakers will share their experiences developing policies and tools for the identification and communication of emerging risks and how different technologies have been implemented to address emerging risks, including how approval procedures have impacted their application.

·_        Mr Milen Georgiev, [Title], and Mr Bernard Bottex, [Title], Knowledge, Innovation and Partnership Management Unit, European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), European Union. EFSA's emerging risks analysis system

·_        Dr Akira Otuka, Principal Researcher, Migratory Insect Pests and Advanced Control Technology Group Division, Core Technology for Pest Control Research Institute for Plant Protection, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, Japan. [Title of presentation]

·_        Dr Hung-Jen Liao, Senior Executive Officer, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Agency, Chinese Taipei. Experience in management of cross-border e-commerce as an emerging SPS challenge

·_        Dr Benignus Valentine Ngowi, Director, Plant Biosecurity, Tanzania Plant Health and Pesticides Authority, Tanzania. [Title of presentation]

·_        Ms Lis Alban, [Title], European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Stakeholder Discussion Group on Emerging Risk, European Union. [Title of presentation]

·_        Dr Ashwani Tiwari, [Title], Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Canada. Tools to aid in the identification and prioritization of emerging risks [Title TBC]

·_        Speaker [regulatory agency] TBC, United States.

Followed by Q&A session and discussion



Session 2 – New agricultural technologies

This session will be dedicated to sharing experiences with the development and implementation of new agricultural technologies, including the approval of products produced using new agricultural technologies. The session builds on the June 2024 Thematic Session on Digital Tools and gives special consideration to Members and stakeholders who speak to the experiences or challenges of developing countries and LDCs in the adoption and application of new technologies or innovations to address emerging risks.

·_        Mr Tse-Wei Chen, Secretary General, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Agency, Ministry of Agriculture, and Dr Yan-Fu Kuo, Professor, Department of Biomechatronics Engineering, "National Taiwan University", Chinese Taipei. Application of AI technology on plant pest analysis platform and pest control

·_        Speaker TBC, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia. Regulation technology to support the shift to automated compliance to enhance trade facilitation

·_        Speaker TBC, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Australia. Alternative phytosanitary treatments in a rapidly evolving global environment

·_        Dr Stuart Smyth, Professor, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Saskatchewan, Canada. How innovative agricultural technology is being used to address emerging risks [Title TBC]

·_        Speaker TBC, Agriculture and Livestock Service, Chile. Sanitary Intelligence: Chilean experience in a holistic concept to improve management, technology, and innovation in a framework of increasing phytosanitary and zoo-sanitary risks worldwide

·_        Dr Daisuke Takamatsu, Leader of Bacteria Group, Division of Infectious Animal Disease Research, National Institute of Animal Health, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, Japan. [Title of presentation]

·_        Speaker [producer] TBC, United States.

Followed by Q&A session and discussion

Session 3 – Panel discussion: Stocktaking and future work of the Committee

In a panel discussion, speakers will exchange views on the issues highlighted in the previous sessions and explore the role of the SPS Committee in taking the discussion forward.

Panel discussion moderated by [moderator].

·_        Speakers (2-3 speakers maximum)

Preliminary guiding questions:

·_        Taking stock: Are there common principles regarding how Members identify and deal with emerging risks? What are the most frequently encountered barriers to the development/application of new agricultural technologies? What are the challenges faced by developing countries and LDC Members in dealing with emerging risks and implementing new agricultural technologies?

·_        Looking ahead: How can the SPS Committee and the SPS Agreement best contribute to future initiatives and discussions on emerging risks and relevant new technologies?

Closing remarks

Chairperson of the SPS Committee: Ms Cecilia Risolo



[1] This document has been prepared under the Secretariat's own responsibility and is without prejudice to the positions of Members or to their rights and obligations under the WTO.

[2] _G/SPS/W/369.