Case Concerning United States-Definitive Safeguard Measures on Imports of Certain Steel Product: Substantive Issues

「如何透過WTO爭端解決機制爭取廠商權益」研討會 主辦單位:經濟部國貿局 執行單位:全國工業總會 研討會時間:九十二年九月廿五、廿六日(星期四、星期五) 上午九時至下午五時 研討會地點:台北凱悅飯店嘉賓廳(台北市松壽路二號一樓) 主講人:Mr. Niall P. Meagher 會議進行方式:英文演講,備有中文翻譯,中午備有中式套餐 邀請對象:1. 我國參與國際經貿事務專案小組成員 2. 國內相關工商團體代表 3. 相關廠商代表 4. 國內各相關學者 Seminar on “How Can Private Companies Protect Interests from the WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding?” I. WTO Dispute Settlement and its Functional Evolution A. WTO dispute settlement mechanism B. impacts of dispute settlement C. current operation of DSU II. How is Dispute Settlement Conducted Between Members ? A. how to bring WTO complaints: litigation and claims (e.g. preparation and submissions of the request for consultations; how to participate as a third party in a dispute) B. the Panel & Appellate Process C. guidelines to dispute litigation D. private companies’ participation E. allocations of litigations fees III. Case Concerning United States-Definitive Safeguard Measures on Imports of Certain Steel Product: Substantive Issues A. common claims and separate claims of eight countries B. submissions of United States C. analysis of panel report D. the effect of this case IV. How can Taiwan’s Business Involve in WTO Dispute Settlement Actions? A. keeping up to date on Doha Round negotiations B. helping to formulate Taiwanese government policy on issues in the negotiations C. monitoring ongoing dispute settlement actions to ensure that Taiwanese interests are adequately protected (Taiwan as third party) D. developing positions and assisting Taiwanese government in bringing dispute settlement actions affecting interests of Taiwanese businesses. E. assisting Taiwanese government in defending actions brought to challenge Taiwanese laws and practices.