Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures - The EC Notification Authority and Enquiry Point for the SPS Agreement: Experience Acquired in the Operational Procedures and Recent Experience - Workshop o[...]October 2007 - Reflection Note
- European Communities
- 2007/10/19
- 已被閱讀 2228次
World Trade
Organization G/SPS/GEN/803
10 October 2007 (07-4331) Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Original: English
The EC Notification Authority and Enquiry Point for the SPS Agreement: Experience ACQUIRED in the Operational procedures and recent experience
Workshop on the Transparency Provisions of the SPS Agreement, Geneva, 15-16 October 2007 - Reflection Note
The following communication, dated 27 September 2007, is being circulated at the request of the Delegation of the European Communities.
In document G/SPS/W/103/Rev.2 (8 December 2006) the Secretariat circulated a "Questionnaire on the Operation of SPS Enquiry Points and National Notification Authorities". The aim of the questionnaire was to identify working tools, difficulties and constraints. The European Communities has replied to the questionnaire. In supplement to the response, this paper provides information on how the European Communities are o