Contribution by the Committee on Trade and Development to the WTO Work Programme on Electronic Commerce - Communication from the Chairperson

World Trade Organization RESTRICTED WT/COMTD/19 15 July 1999 (99-2918) Committee on Trade and Development CONTRIBUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT TO THE WTO WORK PROGRAMME ON ELECTRONIC COMMERCE Communication from the Chairperson The following communication, dated 13 July 1999, addressed to the Chairperson of the General Council by the Chairperson of the Committee on Trade and Development is circulated to Members. _______________ Pursuant to the understanding reached at the 26th Session of the Committee on Trade and Development, 7-8 July 1999, I am pleased to forward herewith the contribution of the Committee to the Work Programme on Electronic Commerce. This contribution complements my initial communication in an Interim Report on the subject which is contained in the document entitled: "Interim Review of the Progress in the Implementation of the Work Programme on Electronic Commerce" (WT/GC/23). The attached contribution shoul